A standard straight up and down Beyblade launch usually sends your Beyblade spinning around the edge of the Bey Stadium. If your opponent's Beyblade is in the center of the stadium this means that you ...
The winder is the ziptie-like cord that you pull through your Beyblade launcher to start your Beyblade spinning around the board. They often come bent into a near-circle when purchased, and this can c ...
There are two basic types of launchers you can use to play Beyblade: light launchers and Beylaunchers. They are both effective but play rather differently, so watch this video for a rundown of the dif ...
Beyblade is a fun game from Japan that is very similar to Spinjas but much more complex. If you're new to the game or just ant some expert advice watch this video to learn about the four mains types o ...
The Eldar can be the most powerful army in Warhammer 40,000 if used properly, but using them right is easier said than done. In this video you'll learn how to make a really awesome 1750-point Eldar ar ...
The Eldar Harlequins are some of the most charismatic and seldom-played models in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, but did you know that you can make an entire powerful army out of them? You can. Watch ...
Eldar Wraithlords are one of the bigger, nastier things that the Eldar can throw out, and using three of them is a great way to distract your opponent from the rest of your army. Watch this video to l ...
The Eldar are the Elves of the Warhammer universe, and like Elves they have all sorts of crazy pseudo-magical powers to destroy their enemies. Their tank is called the Fire Prism, and it is somewhat h ...
Warhammer 40,000 is an incredibly fun but daunting game for people to get in to. If you've been thinking of taking up Warhammer and you aren't sure where to start building your army, your expensive an ...